divendres, 30 de maig del 2008

dimecres, 28 de maig del 2008

dimarts, 27 de maig del 2008

Bomberman, Sonic, Super Mario y Tetris


Mi reloj digital

divendres, 23 de maig del 2008

Personal information

Welcom. My name's Amanda Mateo Martínez. I'm twelve years old and I'm Spanish. I'm from Segur de Calafell in Tarragona. I'm a student at secundary school I.E.S. Segur de Calafell and I'm in class 1B.

My family

Hello, I'm Amanda. I'm twelve years old. I've got a father, a mother and a sister.
My father's name is Rogelio. He's thirty-six years old. My mother's name is Rosa Maria. She's thirty-four. My sister Samantha she's five years old.

My bedroom

In my bedroom there are two beds: my bed and my sister Samantha's bed. We have got posters and calendar. There is a wardrobe, and there is also a table and there are a chair. There is one window but there isn't a carpet.

dimecres, 14 de maig del 2008

Yo & mi Tata

¿Que Tipo De Musica Te Gusta?

¿El Pelo De Que Color?

¿Los Chavales De Que Tipo?